Thursday, May 12, 2011


I realize I use my blog as a forum for bitching.  I'm ok with that.  I guess I just wanted that disclaimer out there...

Onto my next rant.  I really like my coworkers.  And I really like helping people.  However, I have this one coworker that just cannot seem to think for herself.  If she's unsure about anything, she asks me about it.  I have less seniority at work than she does and I'm also younger.  You would assume that she might be able to handle things.  When it comes to her computer, she is basically a barely-functioning illiterate.  She cannot figure ANYTHING out and she's always asking me to drop what I'm doing and help her.  What kills me is she doesn't even TRY to figure it out.  Her first reaction is to ask me.  Today she isn't sure how to open a PDF in an email attachment and save it to her computer.  REALLY!?!??!?!?!  She just hollered "Do I want to save it or open it?"  I said, I don't know, what do you want to do.  She said, "I want to save it."  Great job, way to think through that on your own, pumpkin.

My boss is well aware that I spend too much of my time acting as the unofficial office IT person.  She has informed the rest of the office that I am not to assist them with any issues they encounter with our new email system or any other technical issues.  That hasn't deterred any of them.

So like I said, I like my coworkers and I like helping people.  But why can't they TRY to think through their problem first before calling me??  Do they have no pride?  She just asked me, "This form says these records have a destruction date of 1/1/2009.  Does that mean they were destroyed?"  OH MY WORD!!!!!


  1. Best ending to a blog ever. OH MY WORD!

  2. You must work for a government agency! LOL.
