Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hostile Makeover, Part 1

A bridesmaid's responsibility is to help transform and makeover the stressed out bride into the serene, glowing angel we all pretend she'll be on her wedding day. Adam may not be a bridesmaid, but he's definitely a dear friend of Sara's. So I'd like to include his thoughts and comments on Sara and her wedding in this blog. I will be titling Adam's comments as "Hostile Makeovers."

Just this morning...
Sara: I look damn good in a veil.
Adam: The reason the veil looks so good is that it is designed to cover your face.
Sara: I'm gonna kick your ass.

He was nicer Sunday when he described Sara's thought process. "I like unicorns, I like zombies, what if a zombie bit a unicorn! I should draw that, Curtis would love that, I love Curtis, curtis loves ME! Food."

Adam certainly validates the old phrase, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?"

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bridal Show #1

Sara and I attended her first bridal show, the day after her engagement, at the historic Plains Hotel. We basically sampled some AMAZING cake and drank champagne as we perused the various booths. Sara transformed into the girliest version of herself and announced to most everyone that she just got engaged. There were many jealous comments over the size of her ring. Sara, of course, just ate it up.

She's already a creepy bride!

The Engagement

So it begins...

Sara and Curtis were engaged Friday, March 20th at Sara's surprise 25th Birthday party. She couldn't have been more surprised, especially by the engagement. Sara must have thought it was some grand joke, because she asked Curtis if he were serious about 5 times. A man doesn't joke about marriage after dropping cash on a 2+ carat diamond solitaire engagement ring.