"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us."
- Epicurus
I have some pretty fantastic friends. I know I usually go through my week frustrated or even annoyed by one or more of them, but they constantly surprise me.
I probably rag on my roommates the most. A is singularly gifted at making me angry in no time at all.& We are complete opposites and how we stay friends is such a mystery to me. But this is the same guy that picked me up after oral surgery. He bought me tea last time I got sick. He picks me up when my car is in the shop. He bought tickets to a concert I wanted to go to. He talks me into things I want to do, but am too scared or self-concious to try. He is one of the first people I seek for advice. When I put all this down, I feel like a jackass for being annoyed with him. But let's be real, the man has his flaws. He forgot his wallet at home today so I bought him lunch and gave him my debit card to get gas. This means I have no money this evening and I had no inclination to cook. So My other roommate, D, fishes out his credit card and buys us pizza for dinner. So they are pretty great guys, even though I know I will spend the rest of my evening cleaning up after them...